Mgr. Branislav Chovančík

Mgr. Branislav Chovančík

  • Real estate law
  • Contract law
  • Cooperatives
  • Labour law
  • Arbitration, litigation, and dispute resolution
  • Corporate law, M&A, Corporate Governance
  • Commercial, civil, and administrative law

Mgr. Chovančík is a senior attorney at G. Lehnert. He has already demonstrated his experience and passion for his clients in a number of assignments he has handled. His strategic, analytical and detail-oriented solutions are often innovative in combination with a highly professional and pleasant demeanor and punchy communication. He is one of our firm's highly valued attorneys by clients. His ability to grasp the essence of his clients' assignments and focus on finding solutions is a strength of his specialisation, particularly in the areas of project, transaction and corporate.


  • drafting documentation for acquisitions in plant and livestock primary production
  • due diligence in corporations doing business in plant and livestock primary production before acquisitions
  • successfully representing a client in several lawsuits regarding a formerly privatised company and advising on laying down the relationships within the undertaking
  • advising civic associations and interest groupings
  • advising in the process of construction and sale of around 120 family homes in a location near Bratislava
  • advising a company engaged in printing, sorting, enveloping, mailing and delivery of mail