JUDr. Zuzana Kandlerová

JUDr. Zuzana Kandlerová

  • Real estate law
  • Labour law

JUDr. Kandlerová is one of our most experienced attorneys. She is in charge of managing our branch in Liptovský Mikuláš. She has intimate knowledge of the food industry thanks to having worked in this area for 41 years. In the past, she advised the Association of Food Industry Trade Unions as an independent counsel for labour law. Her legal practise includes settlement of unresolved ownership titles to real estate including subsequent real estate sales. Her tireless efforts to fight for her clients and her fearlessness are what her clients value the most.


  • providing legal services to ST. NICOLAUS a.s., distillery in Liptovský Mikuláš
  • advising on labour-law matters, in particular, fines imposed by the Labour Inspectorate
  • solving miscellaneous ownership concerns, such as title to a new STN a.s. site in Liptovský Mikuláš and divestment of an old company site
  • settlement of title and divestment of an old site housing summer camps in Ľubeľa, Settlement of title to land in the Turčianske Teplice Spa, purchasing structures along the access road to the FATRA Spa house in Turčianske Teplice and other legal services for the Turčianske Teplice Spa
  • acquiring the site of Liehofruct White Lady Levoča, s.r.o. v konkurze from the bankruptcy trustee
  • advising on the restitution of the flour mill plant in Liptovská Sielnica